Thursday, March 10, 2016

Skip counting and multiples the FUN way!

It's spring break here this week. And it's been raining.....

All. Week. Long.

I like the rain. Makes me feel all cozy. Like I want to watch some good reality TV and curl up with a blanket.

I don't have children that need to get their energy out.

But I do have dogs. Two in particular that do not like the rain too much.

Kobe is a hoot and just makes me laugh. He comes to the back door and sticks his head out, with his body halfway in and halfway out. He sees the rain, contemplates going outside, thinking "Do I really want to go out there?". And then....uh uh. I'll stay inside.

I don't know about you, but I sure am glad that my bathroom is inside!

I am excited to share that I got an interventionist job at a local elementary school. I am so excited to be working with kids again.

It's sharing time! Don't you know that sharing is caring?

I wanted to share how I teach skip counting and multiples. When I was in school, we wrote the multiples over and over again on a piece of paper.

Bor-ing. Right?

Teaching and practicing skip counting and multiples doesn’t have to be boring. Here are two simple ways to make learning multiples easy and fun. Get your students ready for multiplication success!

It doesn't have to be boring! Not at all!

First of all, I ALWAYS had multiple posters hung in my room. When I first started teaching, I used sentence strips hung vertically on the walls. Each sentence strip had a separate set of multiples.

However, then I learned how to do it even better than using sentence strips. I started grouping the multiples together. The posters are grouped in specific colors for a reason. When students see how they are connected, it helps them truly know the multiples. I saw that it really did make a difference.

I created these posters to use this year with my students. One set of posters for skip counting and one set for multiples.

These are great for hanging up in the classroom, printing 2 or 4 to a page and gluing them in notebooks, or projecting them up on the big screen.

Teaching and practicing skip counting and multiples doesn’t have to be boring. Here are two simple ways to make learning multiples easy and fun. Get your students ready for multiplication success!

Not only did we use the posters, we also always practiced our multiples using funny voices. We might say them like a country boy with a good ole twang. Or with a southern belle accent. Or like Dory when she spoke "whale" in Finding Nemo. My students always loved to practice their multiples, and it was never a chore or a "have-to" thing.

I put all the funny voices together into a FREEBIE! Go grab it HERE!

Here are some sample voices...

Teaching and practicing skip counting and multiples doesn’t have to be boring. Here are two simple ways to make learning multiples easy and fun. Get your students ready for multiplication success!

Teaching and practicing skip counting and multiples doesn’t have to be boring. Here are two simple ways to make learning multiples easy and fun. Get your students ready for multiplication success!

What I did was print them, laminate them, cut them out, and put them in a basket. When it was time to practice our multiples, I let one of my students pick a card out of the basket. Fun times!

How do you practice skip counting and multiples?

Visit Southern Fried Teachin''s profile on Pinterest.

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