Monday, June 2, 2014

June Currently - It's June?

It's June. Seriously. Can you believe it's actually June? I saw that today was June 2nd and about had a heart attack. What?

So I'm linking up with Farley, my fellow Texas friend, over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the June Currently. I always love reading everyone's Currently. Don't you?

So let me tell you about my day. I had a big Korean surprise (when something has been on the schedule for a while but they forget to tell the foreign English teacher until right then.....they happen often).

Mondays and Thursdays, by the way, are my hardest days because I have back to back classes all day long, and I have to teach 3 classes with my co-teacher. Long story. But I will just say it has not been easy. I get told a lot of things that I'm doing wrong. Sitting impolitely. Reading too fast. Drinking my pink drink in class. And the list goes on...

So today I get to school and read through my Facebook feed. Yup. We do that at school here. After being there for about an hour, I get a text from my co-teacher that reads as such...

"good we got to field trip so u have no class."

Um. Wow.

OK. So Netflix it was today!


Listening: I am watching CSI on TV, and they are currently showing a long run of Korean commercials. And I have no earthly idea what they're saying.

Loving: I am absolutely LOVING this Northern Irish Christian folk rock band. Like seriously. My cousin mentioned them on Facebook, and I had never heard of them. So I looked them up on iTunes and immediately purchased their albums. This particular song is one of my favorites right now. Gives me chill bumps. Don't you love it when a song does that?

Thinking: I only have 3 months left. I can't believe I've been in Korea for 9 months. I know without a doubt that I am meant to go home, but I am still going to miss Korea. I know I will be leaving a part of my heart here. I'll have to talk to other expats who have gone through this. Almost all of my friends are staying here. I'm really, really going to miss them.

Wanting: Because I only have 3 months left, I literally want to bottle up every memory and great experience so I can take it with me. Sure wish I could do that. I can't so I am building up my gratitude jar instead.

Needing: I need a teaching job for next year! I have filled out applications and talked to friends. Now comes the "fun" waiting part. And the patience part. Oh joy.

Summer Bucket List: Yup, I need a job. I want to cherish every single experience I will have these last 3 months. And I plan on going to Bali in August. Can't wait!

Link up with Farley and join the fun!

Oh, and I LOVE comments, so comment away!


  1. Sounds like you are having an very memorable experience in Korea! Love Rend Collective!

    1. Yes, it's been one amazing experience! Cool that you like Rend Collective too! If you know of any other groups like them, please let me know. I love finding new groups.

  2. I really give you credit for what you are doing and remaining positive despite the criticisms. I bet it is really hard to constantly be critiqued! Glad you got some time to relax and enjoy yoirself. Bali sounds fantastic!

    1. Thanks Laura! My co-teacher has really been working hard on preparing better lessons, and she is so much more open to hearing my ideas. Yeah!!

  3. Wow! Korea!! Awesome! I will keep you in my thoughts/prayers about a job. I know how it goes. I am still searching!

    1. Thanks Carrie! Where are you searching for a job?

  4. Bali sounds like a fabulous bucket list item! I hope your last few months in Korea go well and that your job-hunting is successful!

    Miss Galvin Learns
