Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July Currently

It's July! And I come home in August! Can I get a WOOT-WOOT?

I'm linking up with Farley for our monthly currently.

Listening: My friend introduced me to Little Women LA. It's a TV show about women with forms of dwarfism living their lives in LA. I like it! Some of the women are a little crazy. My kind of show! Also, I have NO air conditioning at my apartment. Yes, it gets hot. Really hot. Not fun when you're sweating down your back and down your face while getting ready for school or church. My friend let me borrow her big fan while she's visiting her family back in the states for almost 2 months. It's been a lifesaver.

Loving: My friend, the one who let me borrow her friend, just adopted a dog, Philopena. Guess who gets to watch her while she goes home? ME!!! She is so sweet and loving. I have SO missed having a dog to love on and talk to. She has helped fill a void in my life. When you've had dogs in your home for 15 years and then go to not having one, it gets a little lonely. Is she not the cutest thing?

Thinking: I come home in less than 2 months. I am happy about coming home, but I am sad about leaving Korea. I've made some wonderful and amazing memories here, and it will be hard to leave that. It will be hard to know that I won't be having any more Korean adventures and won't be having any more new Korean experiences. It's bittersweet.

Wanting: This one is self-explanatory.

Needing: I have a lot of stuff in my apartment. I will be getting rid of a lot of it so I don't have to cart it home. I'll be giving it away to my friends here.

Hope you're having a great summer! I don't really have a summer off here. I'm still in school right now. Finals were this week, and then we have two more weeks of regular school. Crazy, right? Then I have two weeks of summer camp. At my school, it's not near as fun as it is at other schools. My students can't really speak a lot of English, so it's rather difficult to plan for.

Then I have a vacation in Bali.

I. Cannot. Wait.

What are you up to?


  1. Wow!!! It sounds like you have had an exciting year, teaching in Korea! And vacation in Bali? Jealous!

    I'm so glad to have found you!

    Shafer's Shenanigans 

    1. Yes, it's been a pretty darn exciting year. And I can't wait for Bali!

  2. How cool that you have a vacation in Bali! Hope you finish up your school year strong!

    1. I'm excited too! You can bet I will post some pictures!

  3. Are you a TEXAS girl, too?!? And that puppy is adorable :)

    1. You betcha I'm a Texas girl! YEE-HAW! I'm from the DFW area. Where are you from? I cannot wait to get back to Texas and have some awesome food!

  4. Vacation in Bali? JEALOUS! Philopena is adorable. I'm glad you are getting to snuggle with her while your friend is away. I am so guilty of watching Little Women L.A. too. I can't stop myself. Christy and Terra fighting is what gets me every time.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Girl, I am so glad to know that someone else out there is watching that show! What channel does it come on? I have to download it over here. Christy is the one that gets on my nerves. Always creating drama. And why in the world does Terra stay with Joe? He's a creep! Always flirting with Elena.
