Monday, September 1, 2014

September Currently

This time last year I had just started teaching in Korea. I miss my students. I will admit that I don't necessarily miss my co-teacher though.

I'm linking up with Farley for the monthly Currently, so mosey on over there and see what other teachers are up to these days.

Listening: I remember the first season of The Real Housewives of Orange County. I watched it for years, and then stopped. I have recently begun watching it again. It's seriously a train wreck, and I can't stop watching. There are a few ladies that need a good smack upside the head because they drive me absolute batty. Please tell me I'm not the only one who can't stop watching this train wreck.

Loving: I LOVE that I can eat any kind of food that I want! If I want Mexican, I eat it. If I want bagels, I eat them. If I want Southern home cookin', I eat it. I do not miss Korean food. Especially the eyeballs and fish with bones and scales and eyes. Not at all.

Thinking: I will admit it. I miss Korea. This reverse culture shock has been harder than I thought it would be. I miss being around other expats, people who completely understood what I was feeling. I feel a little lost and alone here at home, even though I am surrounded by friends and family. I've heard it's completely normal and will get better.

Wanting: I am in the process of looking for a teaching job. It's not easy to come back home AFTER school starts and look for a job. But I know that God has a plan and knows what he's doing. He just hasn't let me in on it yet.

Needing: see above

3 Trips: I have traveled to more than 40 countries (I've lost count....I need to recount), but there are places I would still love to go. There will always be more places I want to visit. I would love to go to India. The culture, the colors, the Taj Mahal. And I still have not been to Vegas. Crazy, I know. Another place I would love to go to is Brazil. Everything I have seen and heard about Brazil intrigues me and makes me want to go there.

Go see what other teachers are up to this month!


  1. What an amazing experience to teach in Korea for a year! I don't think I would miss the food either! Good luck finding a teaching job! I'm sure your experiences in Korea have added to your resume and will hopefully help you land the job that is perfect for you!


    1. Yes, it was truly an amazing experience. I miss it. I sure hope it adds to my resume!

  2. Hey, Angela!
    I'm so glad I found your blog through September Currently! We LITERALLY said almost the exact same thing about listening to RHOC reunion! It's my guilty pleasure...and I don't know's just a train wreck that I can't look away from! Ha! Being a huge lover of food, I'm happy that you're able to have access to any food you want now. Y-U-M. Best of luck searching for a teaching job!!
    It's Elementary, My Dear!

    1. I am SO glad I'm not the only one who has the RHOC as their guilty pleasure! Who is the one that you can't stand or think is completely wackadoo?

  3. I have also done a ton of travelling and would love to go to India!
    I found you through Farley's link up. You have a great looking blog BTW

    1. Thank you so much Sandra! I've heard India is a pretty tough country to visit but amazing.

  4. Nothing beats good Southern cooking in my opinion! The Real Housewives reunion shows are guaranteed to be a train wreck. Those women are a hot mess!
    Teaching, Love, Cupcakes

    1. They sure are a hot mess! Who is your favorite housewife and who is your least favorite housewife?
