Thursday, February 13, 2014

I "heart" Pinterest

I LOVE Pinterest.  I really do.  I get a little pin happy sometimes...which results in a lot of boards and a lot of pins.  The teaching boards I followed were overwhelming all the other boards, and it was making me a little crazy.  So...

I did it.  I got a separate account in Pinterest, just for all my teaching pins.  And I am so glad that I did.  I was able to separate my pins into more detailed boards, which will make it easier for me to find certain pins.

It made me happy.  I love being organized.

Speaking of Pinterest, as I was browsing yesterday, I found this and thought it was perfect in describing teaching.
Do you agree?

Go check out my new Pinterest page and follow me!  I need to find some followers. :)

Also...keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer!  I hopefully get my Mac back today.

Be on the lookout...there is a BIG celebration coming soon.  Did I just make you think of the song by Kool and the Gang?  Because I sure did!


  1. That description of teaching is right on! I found your blog thru Ruby Slippers. Barb designed my blog too! I can't wait to read more about teaching in Korea! So glad to be your newest follower. I love the heading on your sidebar for your "filing cabinet"- that's a really cute thing to call it.
    First Grade Found Me

  2. Although I've only been following your blog for a little while, I'd like to nominate you for a Liebster Award. If you accept, please go check out my blog and read about what you have to do.

    Butterflying Through Teaching

    1. Thank you so much! I am honored! You are actually the 2nd person to nominate me, and I can't wait to get started on it.
