Saturday, February 15, 2014

Let It Go and a late Five for Friday

Oh. My. Goodness.  What a week.

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to tell you about my week.

Let's begin...

This week at school was a little different.  In Korea, the school year starts in March.  Our school year was coming to an end this week, which meant classes were cancelled a lot in order to practice for graduation.  I still had my classes with Mina and Seora - they are my favorite class and my favorite students.  They are always so happy to learn and sing and dance.  They can always make me smile.

We are using our ABC Rainbow mat and our magnetic letters.  They love to match up the magnetic letters to the letters on the mat.  We do all different activities to help them learn their letters, and the Rainbow mats have really helped.

I thought other teachers might like to use them as well, so I created one for TPT.  You can check it out HERE.

With my other classes, I am constantly trying to think of different activities to do where the students can practice their English.  My students have vastly different levels, and it can be difficult to think of activities that will work with different levels.  I had remembered doing an ABC List in my classroom back in Texas.  Have you ever heard of it?  I love using ABC Lists.  Basically, you take a piece of paper and write all the letters of the alphabet down the left side of the paper.  Then you write a word or phrase for each letter, depending on what you're learning.  It's a great way to review.

To make it more fun (especially for my students who are blind), I wrote each letter of the alphabet on a piece of styrofoam...yeah, my supplies are somewhat limited here in Korea.  I let the students choose a letter and then they say something that begins with that letter.

We have done: animals, food, words related to a story we just read, places, etc.  They really enjoy being able to choose the letter.

I finally saw Frozen on Monday.  I went with my coteacher, and I LOVED it.  Absolutely loved it.  I kept hearing about this awesome movie over and over on Facebook.  So I just had to see it.

I loved it so much that I went back yesterday (with my coteacher again) and saw it again.  Now I want the soundtrack because this song is playing in my head all the time.  Except I don't do it near the justice as Idina Menzel does.  I KNOW I'm not the ONLY one who loves this song.  Right?

Graduation was Friday.  The whole school goes to the ceremony.  It was all in Korean, so it was a little long for me.  However, a couple of the classes performed, including one of my classes.  They are moving up to high school next year.

 After graduation, the teachers headed up to the gym and played games.  They just love to do this at my school.  And since about 1/3 of the teachers are blind, we often have games where people have to wear black goggles to become "blind" as well.  They are actually a lot of fun.

I've got good news.  Actually great news....

I've got my Mac back!  Angela's got her Mac back!  Angela's got her Mac back!  Yes, that is great cause for a big ole happy dance!

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