Friday, March 28, 2014

Five for Friday - concentration and Frozen

It's Friday....which means it's time for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs!

Let's get it started!
 My job is to teach English to my students. Some of them know NO English, some of them are blind, and some of them have intellectual disabilities. And I often have a mixture in each class. The textbook doesn't work since it's way too hard for most of them. So I came up with this idea of topics. Our first topic was places in our neighborhood. For each place in our neighborhood, I created 4 sentences.
For example, for the bank:
~ I need to get some money.
~ I went to the bank to get some money.
~ I got money out of my account.
~ I am going to the bank to get some money.

I fold up all the cards and put them into a bucket or basket. Then each student chooses a card and reads it, and I help if needed. I find that any type of activity where students pick or choose something, they like it even better. So much better than just reading it from a piece of paper. Boring!

 As you can see, some of my students are adults.

Then I created cards that said money, bank, bread, baking, etc, and we played Concentration. They loved it!

For my higher students, I put those word cards back in the basket, and students chose one and used that word to create a sentence. Higher thinking, right? Something that they do NOT have in Korea.

I just love the backpack combos here in Korea, especially for little girls. The smaller bag is a purse or lunch bag...I'm not sure. But the girls love it to match their backpack.

I just adore my new co-teacher, Jin Ju. She is so cute and sweet. We went to dinner last night, and she insisted on paying. She loves Twilight, her favorite food is meat, and her favorite thing about teaching is vacation. She also loves my singing voice and dance moves. She's wonderful! I thank God for her!

I know we're not supposed to have favorites, but....I do. Seora and Mina have my heart. I just can't help it. They love me, and I love them. They love to sing and dance (like me), and they always have a big smile when they see me.

Yesterday, I saw Seora out in the courtyard in front of our school. I said her name, and she runs/skips/hops over to me with this huge smile on her face. She takes both my hands and just holds them while smiling. She does this pretty much every time she sees me. I've never had anyone do that. Man, I feel loved. Hoping I can bottle some of that and take it home with me.

This year has not been the easiest year. My co-teacher, Gayong, has not been the easiest co-teacher, and there have been many tears...questioning God why he placed me at this school.

However, I just had THE best moment at my school today! I played the sing along version of "Let It Go" for my middle school students. My new co-teacher, Jin Ju, came in at the middle of us all singing along. Then she plays it again. I thought it was another sing along. Nope. Just for me to sing by myself. They start clapping along while I sing. When I hit the big note, they start cheering. Then they all shout "encore" afterwards. Wow. Oh wow. I am SO incredibly happy right now. You have no idea.

Here is a picture of some adorable Frozen clothes for little clothes I found at my Home Plus. And to answer your question, if they had one in my size, I would totally get one!

Have a great weekend!


  1. We don't always understand why God has us where we are, but He is faithful and His plans are always better than ours. Love Frozen. Have a great weekend :)

    1. Crystal, I agree with you 100%! His plans are always better! It's just the trusting that is sometimes hard. But I'm working on it!
