Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fuel Your Faith

Howdy! I am linking up with Jessica at Joy in the Journey for her new weekly linky party. I love anything that helps me look at my faith in a new way or lets me share my faith with others. That's why I'm so excited to join this linky party!

Thank you so much Jessica for getting this started!!

A couple of things happened in my last couple of weeks...

Last week, I was feeling a little lonely. My closest friend here in Korea is leaving. She is going back home to help care for her sick dad. Also, my 41st birthday is coming up soon. I never ever thought I would be 41 and still single. However, I wouldn't be able to be in this awesome adventure of living in Korea. Out of the blue, I got an email from a girl who was introduced to my personal blog. She went on to tell me that she was so excited to have found me and that my faith really inspired her. We have since exchanged several emails, and I am happy to say that I have found a new friend. She speaks words over my life that encourage me and inspire me to be a better person. I thank God for her.

School has been wonderful lately. I love my new co-teacher. She brings joy to our classes. She is not afraid to let loose and have fun. I need that in my classroom. I need laughter and joy with my students. I look forward to teaching with her.

I mentioned that God has called me to become a foster mom when I come home in August. I have read stories and seen videos this week that just confirm this. I cannot wait to get back and start. I know it won't always be easy, but I am up for the challenge. My heart is so excited that there are little butterflies.

I have to often remind myself that even know I may have NO clue as to what is going on, God knows. Even though I may be frustrated or discouraged, I know in my heart that God has THE absolute best plan for my life. I am more than happy to step back and let God be the driver of my life! What a ride it is!


  1. Hi Angela!

    Thanks for linking up with Fuel Your Faith - and you are so right! God's timing is perfect. It's natural to want to speed things up or slow down the inevitable, but when we look to the Lord and try to see the world through His ultimate perfect plan, we can trust in Him.

    I am so excited to find your blog - I grew up in Texas, so your blog design brought a smile to my face! :) Also, my husband and I spent 3 weeks in South Korea three summers ago on a mission trip. I can't wait to read more about you and your adventures!

    Joy in the Journey

  2. I found you via Jessica's linky! What an awesome experience to be teaching in Korea! I am so looking forward to reading more about this and your adventure into foster parenthood. I had thought about taking this type of step but God did not have that in plan for me. Instead I parent fur babies and my nieces and nephews! Blessings on your upcoming week!

    Your newest follower,
