Friday, March 21, 2014

Five for Friday - happy week!

It's Friday, and you know what that means....Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs!

This week was a pretty good week. In fact, I smiled a lot this week.
There are certain students at my school who make my heart smile. Deksu is one of those students. Every time he sees me, he smiles really big and says, "Hello Angela!" He loves to sing and says, "I can sing good!" And he always tells me, "Good job, Angela!" when I sing in class. He can always make me smile. I am grateful for students like him.

On Tuesday, we had an impromptu dance party in my class with Jin Ju, my new co-teacher. She is so much fun, and I adore her. VASTLY different from my other co-teacher, who is so uptight and unsure of herself. Mina, Seora, Jin Ju, and I just danced the morning away. A little Justin Bieber, Crayon Pop, G Dragon, and EXO. Hopefully this will be a recurring Tuesday thing. It would make me so happy!

If you would like to check out some of our favorite songs to dance to, here are a couple of them. Just hearing them makes me want to get up and dance!

Oh goody. I had floating body parts in my soup again. At least they were big parts this time. And no, those are not French fries, and that is not cookies and cream cake. Doesn't this picture make you want to never ever complain about your school lunches again?

I have been working with Kang on his ABC's since I started teaching at my school. My co-teacher ordered some ABC books for him where he gets to write the letters and puts stickers inside. I always try to take it one step further. So I used my magnetic letters and had him make each word from the book. I enjoy working with him because he is always excited to learn things and get things right. Makes a teacher happy.

He did such a great job that I reward him with cereal. He LOVES it and gets so excited when he gets some.

Then we used a bigger version of The ABC Rainbow Connection that I had created. Since he is visually impaired, the letters need to be bigger for him. He does an excellent job matching up the letters and finding the letters when I say them.

He was so proud of his complete ABC rainbow!

It's official. I LOVE The Office. Why have I not watched this show before now? It's so funny and has me looking forward to the next show...which works out great because all 9 seasons are on Netflix. I am always amazed at what Michael Scott will do next (how does he still have a job?)...and Dwight of course. Love it!

And one last thing I just have to share....
I posted of this short dress/long shirt that I had found on the streets here in Daejeon. You will often find people selling fruit, clothes, tools on the street. It was suggested that I buy it. So I did. Tony the Tiger better watch out. I think this might make me feel a little sassy. ROWR!


  1. I seriously enjoy reading about your adventures overseas. You are right, and I will never complain about school lunches again - I'm also a PB&J girl myself!

    I loved The Office from the beginning. I forget about that show. I caught an episode the other day where Michael had the employees working on their racial relations. I mean seriously. That show is HILARIOUS!

    :) Erin

    1. Erin, I am just constantly thinking, "How in the world does Michael Scott STILL have a job? HOW?" I've been told the British version is even better, so I can't wait to watch that one too.
