Friday, May 2, 2014

Five 4 Friday!

It's Friday and that means it's time for Five 4 Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

This week was a WeIRd weird at school, so I don't have any "classroom" pictures to share with you. But I still enjoy doing "Five for Friday". So I hope you don't mind!
Mid-terms were this week...which means NO classes for me! I'm OK with that. I had to proctor 2 college exams for blind teachers. I brought my book with me, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Have you read this book? Several people have told me that it's really hard to get into. I had trouble getting into the first chapter! But a friend told me to keep reading. That it gets really good. I'm hoping...

Other than proctoring those 2 exams, I had nothing to do for 3 days other than watching Netflix. And working on some TPT goodies, including this little goody. I can't wait to come home and actually be able to use all these SCOOT games in my classroom!

And this little goody... my plan is to put all my emergent readers into a big bundle to save my followers some money. I'm all about saving money....aren't you?

I ran across these two cuties at Home Plus (Korean's version of Walmart) the other day. I will admit.... I want them. Is that weird? If so, oh well!

I am definitely a kid at heart. I still love stuffed animals, children's movies, anything Disney, the Muppets, etc. Is anyone else out there a kid at heart and love these things too? I would love to have a daughter to buy things like this for. Hopefully soon...


I'm up to 52 followers on Bloglovin' and 94 followers on TPT. So exciting! When I get those numbers go up, my heart skips a beat. It's so exciting that people actually want to read my blog and see all the products I've created. I know those numbers might not seem like a lot to some of you, but we all start somewhere, right?

When I get to 100 followers on TPT, I plan on having a little FREEBIE giveaway to celebrate!

Korea is all about the random holidays. We had a random holiday yesterday for Labor Day. Three friends and I went to O World, an amusement park here in Daejeon. They have rides, a zoo, and flower land. The rides were great. There's not many, but the roller coaster was great! It looks a little dinky, but it was so much fun that we rode it 3 times. The line was SO short!

Here's a selfie of Amber and me on the ship ride.

The zoo, however, was not so great. It was actually quite sad. I've been to 2 zoos in Asia, one in Vietnam, and now this one. I am making the assumption that countries in Asia do not have strict guidelines in how they treat and care for their animals. It made me want to cry several times.

The polar bear was distraught. He just kept walking back and forth.

The tiger's cage was SO was sad and depressing.

And the eagle's area? Whoa? He couldn't even fly anywhere. It was SO small.

However, I did find a boyfriend at the zoo. Bobby, the baboon. For some reason, I crouched down at his level at the glass at his habitat and put my hand on the glass, with my fingers all spread out. He ran around and around and finally stopped right where I was and put his hand up right where mine was. And he just looked at me. Then he would run around his cage and come back and do the same thing. Then he would run around, come back, open his mouth like he was speaking, and put his hand up. We drew a crowd. People started staring and trying to do the same thing. But he would have nothing to do with anyone else. He was attracted to me. My friends couldn't believe it. I walked to the next part of the glass, crouched down again, and we went through the same ritual.

We went to see other animals and walked back by. He immediately starting running around again. I crouched down again, and he got so excited. He remembered me! It was THE coolest experience. What an amazing moment! I will always remember this.

We have 2 more holidays on Monday and Tuesday for Children's Day and Buddha's Birthday. I'm certainly not complaining! Friends and I were going to go out of town, but it seems that everyone had the same idea and there are no more train tickets. So....we are going to have a sleepover at my house. Woo-hoo!

Hope you had a great week and have an even better weekend!


  1. Awww, the zoo always makes me sad. :( That is a neat story about the baboon though. I love reading about teaching in other countries so I will definitely start following! :)


    1. Thank you! The zoo usually doesn't make me too sad, but man, this one sure did. I almost started crying it was so bad. But I just have to realize that this isn't America.

  2. Hey Angela! Have I told you that I SO enjoy your blog?!

    I tried to read Dragon Tattoo. Really. I gave it longer than I'd give most books as I heard the same as you did. I read and read and read and it only got dumber. Best of luck to you! Hahahah

    Love the baboon. Ever since I read Ivan I have this new soft spot (obsession) with animals. Crazy!

    :) Erin

    1. Hey there Erin! Thank you so much!
      I love reading your blog too. I write down all your book suggestions! I miss teaching middle school and hearing about all the latest and greatest YA books from our librarian.
      I am SO glad I'm not the only one who struggles with this book. Did you ever read City of Bones: The Mortal Instruments? I loved the Hunger Games and that whole genre, but I struggled with that book a little.
      So what is Ivan? I haven't heard of that book. I have a huge soft spot for animals, so I bet I would love that one.

  3. I also love reading your blog! You have such an interesting life and ideas! I did make it through the Dragon Tattoo but gave up during the next one, not my sort of series I think!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

    1. Thank you so much! I have SO enjoyed meeting all you guys from all over the world! I never knew blogging could be this much fun!
      The last person in my apartment left all 3 books in the Tattoo series, but I have no idea if I'll actually read them. We shall see.

  4. I'll always have a place in my heart for anything Disney! Have you played Frozen Free Fall yet? It's similar to Candy Crush and so fun!

    1. I have never heard of this game! I just might have to check it out! I got to level 109 on Candy Crush and then I just couldn't do anymore because I wanted to literally throw my phone up against a wall.
