Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Currently

It's May? NO WAY! I can't believe that summer is almost over. Except that while teaching in Korea, I won't actually get a summer this year. I will only get 8 days off. It's heartbreaking, I know. However, I do plan on going somewhere for my vacation. I'm thinking Bali. What do you think?

Since it's the beginning of a new month, I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 3rd Grade for her awesome monthly Currently.

And guess what? Guess who is the sponsor for this month's Currently?

ME! I know, right? I was giddy with excitement! I might have even jumped up in my chair when I found out. Thanks so much Farley!! I'm honored!

So let's get it started!

Listening: I have A LOT of down time at work aka desk warming (basically where your butt sits in your chair at your desk for hours). So I watch a lot of Netflix. I have Netflix up on my desktop computer while I work on stuff for Teachers Pay Teachers on my Mac. It's the perfect set up really. I have discovered some new favorite TV shows....The Office, which led to Parks and Recreation (I love it I think even more than The Office), and now I'm watching The Fosters. Since I plan on becoming a foster mom when I come home, this TV show peaked my interest. It's really very good. There's only 1 season on Netflix, so I'll have to quickly choose another TV show to watch afterwards. Any suggestions?

Loving: In Korea, we have a lot of random school holidays. Yesterday was Labor Day. Regular teachers had to work, but EPIK (English Program in Korea) teachers did not. So 3 friends and I went to the amusement park here in Daejeon, O World. It was so much fun. Then we went shopping at my favorite spot. All in all an excellent holiday. I also have 2 holidays on Monday and Tuesday for Children's Day (no idea) and Buddha's birthday.

Thinking: My year is 2/3 of the way done! I can't believe it. I have less than 4 months until I come home in August. It has been a glorious experience!

Wanting: I miss good old-fashioned Southern comfort food so much. And Mexican food. And Italian food. And pretty much every other kind of food from America. I'm not a huge fan of Korean food. Yes, I've already started making my list (which is getting rather long) of food I MUST eat when I come home.

Needing: Since I'm coming home in August, I need to find a teaching job for next year. I am applying at several districts in my area. My resume is all ready and updated. But the process of filling out job applications is just so tedious, ya know? Where did you go to high school? Have you been convicted of a felony? What are your references? What is your educational philosophy? Do you even know YOUR educational philosophy? It's not like I have it hanging up at my house, framed for the world to see.

Surprise: Go visit Emerald at - Her blog is super way cute, and I just adore her personality!

If You Mustache, I {heart} Teaching

Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE to read comments! Hint, hint...


  1. Congrats on being the featured blogger! Great luck! I already followed you on bloglovin' before you posted and now you were only a couple spots behind me. Teaching in Korea sounds really neat! Best of luck with the applications--I know, who even reads the philosophy garble? Nice meeting you through the linky!
    ~Lucy at Kids Math Teacher

  2. Thanks Lucy! Teaching in Korea has been pretty amazing. It's been a great adventure. Nice meeting you too!

  3. Have you watched New Girl yet or Hart of Dixie? I'm in the middle of House of Cards right now. I do NOT like filling out applications. Stressful! Emerald's blog is a-dorable! XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. I haven't watched New Girl yet, but it is on my watch list on Netflix. I've heard good things about it. I haven't heard about Hart of Dixie though. What's it about? I've heard good things about House of Cards too.
      One application done...three more to go now!

    2. Thanks to you BOTH! Ang, sorry about the "deleted image" error thingy on your post. My new button is up, so you can get it now. Sorry about the "deleted image" error thingy on your post.

      Alison, my new post may just have a surprise for you!!!!!

    3. And sorry for the random repetitiveness. Haha!!!

    4. Hey Emerald! I just updated my post to include your new button. Cute new blog design! Love the bright colors!

  4. Such a cute blog design! What an amazing adventure you are on teaching in Korea!

    1. Thank you so much Deanna! Yes, it has been one amazing adventure!

  5. Korea! How exciting! Good thing you've lasted this long. You're a lot braver than I am. I browsed through your Five for Friday pics as well and YES! That tiger's cage is WAY too small. I visited a zoo down where I just moved and felt the same way. Love that I found your blog.

    Enchanted Kinder Garden

    1. Thanks Keri! You should see the some of the food at my school lunches. Little body parts and eyeballs floating around in my soup. Soooo much fun. Glad you found me!!

  6. LOVE that you are teaching in Korea! I worked with a company for about a year where I taught Asian students (China, Japan, and Korea) via the internet. Going there was a dream, but one that I just couldn't make work out... Congrats on being Farley's featured blog this month. YEA!

    Enjoy the rest of your experience overseas!

    1. I had always wanted to teach overseas, but I never thought about teaching in Korea until after visiting China a couple of years ago. I completely fell in love with Asia. It's been such a great opportunity!

  7. So glad I found you on Farley's Currently! I look forward to hearing more about your teaching journey:)

    The Resourceful Apple
